Общие указания по установке Discovery 3

Component removal

Whenever possible, clean components and the surrounding area before removal.

  • Blank off openings exposed by component removal.
  • Following disconnection, seal fuel, oil or hydraulic lines immediately using suitable blanking plugs or caps.
  • Seal open ends of exposed oilways using suitable tapered hardwood plugs or conspicuous plastic plugs.
  • Immediately a component is removed, place it in a suitable container; use a separate container for each component and its associated parts.
  • Clean bench and provide marking materials, labels and containers before disassembling components.


Observe scrupulous cleanliness when disassembling components, particularly when brake, fuel, air suspension or hydraulic system parts are disassembled. A particle of dirt or cloth fragment could cause a serious malfunction if trapped in these systems.

Blow out all tapped holes, crevices, oilways and fluid passages with dry, compressed air.

ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЕ: Suitable eye protection must be worn.

  • Discard all seals and 'O' rings and replace with new when reassembling.
  • Use suitable marker ink to identify mating parts, do not use a scriber or centre punch as they could initiate cracks or distortion.
  • Wire or tape mating parts together where necessary to prevent accidental interchange.
  • Suitably identify parts which are to be renewed and to those parts requiring further inspection. Keep these parts separate.
  • To ensure that the correct replacement part has been obtained, do not discard a part due for renewal until after comparing it with the new part.

Cleaning components

Always use cleaning agents which are suitable for the work being undertaken and the components being cleaned. NEVER use gasoline (petrol) as a cleaning agent (degreaser). Always ensure that the component being cleaned is compatible with the cleaning agent.

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the use of cleaning agents and ensure that the environment in which the work is being undertaken is suitable. See Health and Safety Precautions for further information regarding cleaning.

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