Гидропривод тормозной системы Discovery 3
Brake Pads and Linings
Always fit the correct grade and specification of brake pads and linings. When replacing these items, always replace as complete axle sets.
Brake Hydraulics
Always observe the following recommendations when working on the braking system:
ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЕ: Do not intermix brake fluid of different specifications.
- Always use two spanners when loosening or tightening brake pipes or hose connections.
- Ensure that hoses run in a natural curve and are not kinked or twisted.
- Fit brake pipes and hoses securely in their retaining clips and ensure that they cannot contact a potential chafing point.
- Containers used for brake fluid must be kept absolutely clean.
- Do not store brake fluid in unsealed containers, the fluid will absorb water which will lower the boiling point of the fluid.
- Do not allow brake fluid to be contaminated with other fluids such as mineral oil and do not put brake fluid in a container which has previously been used for storing other fluids.
- Do not re-use brake fluid which has been bled from the system.
- Always use brake fluid or a suitable brake cleaning fluid to clean hydraulic components.
- Unless stated otherwise, use only clean brake fluid to lubricate hydraulic seals and components.
- Always fit blanking plugs to hoses, pipes or components immediately after disconnection.
- Check thread compatibility of original equipment with replacement components.
- Observe absolute cleanliness when working with hydraulic components.
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