Модули шторок безопасности Discovery 3
- ‹‹‹ Модуль интерфейса навигации - дистанционное управление Freelander 1
- Модуль контроля освещения (LCM) Range Rover 3 ›››
ВНИМАНИЕ: If the head airbag modules are deployed, the following components must be replaced on the side of the vehicle on which the deployment occurred:
- Head airbag modules
- Link lead between airbag gas generator and restraints control module (RCM) harness
- Airbag retaining clips
- Internal trim finisher
- Front seat belt buckle pre-tensioners
- Any side impact sensors that have been physically damaged or if a fault is being registered
- Restraints Control Module (RCM) if the three crashes/impacts have been stored
Additionally, the following items must be inspected for damage and replaced as necessary:
- Headlining
- Component mounting brackets
- Front seat belts, retractors and webbing, tongue latching function, 'D' loop and body anchorage points
- Rear seat belt buckles, webbing, buckle covers, tongue latching function, and body anchorage points
- Adjacent trim components
- Seat belt height adjusters
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