Замена компонентов системы SRS Discovery 3
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ВНИМАНИЕ: The Restraints Control Module (RCM) will log a crash fault after every impact which is severe enough to cause airbag deployment. It is possible to have three crashes/impacts logged after one event where, for example, a front, side and rollover has occurred. After the third fault is logged, the SRS warning lamp will be illuminated and the restraints control module (RCM) must be replaced.
ВНИМАНИЕ: The SRS side/front impact sensor(s) must be replaced if there are any signs of physical damage or if the restraints control module (RCM) is registering a fault.
The following information details the policy for replacement of SRS components as a result of a vehicle accident.
Impacts which do not deploy the airbags or pre-tensioners
Check for structural damage in the area of the impact paying particular attention to bumper armatures, longitudinals and bracketry.
Impacts which deploy the airbags or pre-tensioners
The replacement and inspection policy is dependent on the type and severity of the crash condition. The following guidelines are the minimum that should be exercised as a result of the deployment of specific SRS components.
Check for structural damage in the area of impact paying particular attention to bumper armatures, longitudinals and bracketry.
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